WORK:英語先生(english teacher), music producer
LIFE:Guitarist, rapper, music producer, animal enthusiast, counselor(soon to be)
"I was born In Japan in 1998, but moved to the United states,then moved to Hawaii, and moved back to Japan once again where I'm currently living now. I relearned Japanese once more, to better express My lifelong passion which has always been to be compassionate towards animals(I have worked in many animal shelters before and am currently in an animal rescue nonprofit organization), teach, and to counsel people to see from a darker perspective to a brighter one, or to put it simply, to show support and uplift people who do not or feel they don't have anyone that supports them.
My parents both being famous musicians, I produce/write music(officially) and consider music to be my job in regards to this matter, to express stoicism and positivity which anyone can interpret in their own ways(positively of course), because I believe Music, is a higher dimensional language. As an English teacher I not only teach students, but also incorporate philosophy to further motivate them on a more personal level.
I am also interested in many scientific topics such as quantum physics, relativity, Biology and the design of all that is nature(animal and nature enthusiast in simpler terms I guess), to venture and explore more about spirituality. I continue to look for new unexplored ways to channel my passions, to spread positvity with families, friends and all and to continue finding new ways with Cift to uplift all people."